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Author Artist and Activist

Christ practiced a 'companionship of empowerment' or in Aramaic ''malkuta''; the kingdom of heaven. He brought freedom and healing by transcending the brutal hierarchical dominance of the Roman and Greek way of life. Tragically these domination systems co-opted early 'Christianity' and this religion became the foundation for Western civilisation. Today it undergirds the language and practices that drive us to seek status, perfection and false peace through our structures of law, government and religion. However, Jesus is not a king of conquest but the first divine Human Being. The fraternity he practiced is not found in the Roman way of domination but in a wholehearted commitment to each other in small communities of gift, reconciliation and reciprocity. Only together in this mutual Way of Life and Truth do we discover our Divine-Humanity.



the Death of Institutional Christianity
and the Rebirth of G-d
on Amazon!

and his polemical work on practicing reconciliation in the neotribal cultures of the West

My Story
monks around a table

 Francis Rothery, Postgraduate B. Philosophy (Hons) Social Work, MA Peace Studies, is a   Rotary Peace Fellow from the International Christian University, Tokyo. His  postgraduate studies include Social Work at Exeter University, Christian Spirituality at Heythrop College in London and Political Theology at Lancaster University.                                                              His experience is grounded in leadership training and development with Partners in Mission International. In collaboration with leaders  and churches in Russia, Uganda, Ghana, and Pakistan he exercised a ministry of spiritual teaching, guidance and governance for over 10 years.                                                                                          Then in partnership with the Nightchurch Community he co-created  an ecumenical contemplative Fresh Expression based in a city-centre Cathedral in the UK using innovate approaches in conversational learning and communal spiritual development. He also partnered in the creation of 'Emerging Conversations', a hub for people exploring the 'spiritual but not religious' path. Francis  has a lifelong involvement in professional Social Work and Psychological Therapies as a practitioner and in management alongside lecturing in Psychology, Counselling, Religious Studies and Philosophy.  

My Books

Postcolonial critique provides religious studies with a new tool for penetrating the patriarchal veneer of imperial religiosity. This book is postcolonial Christianity made accessible to the average reader. Yet it also adds what most analyses fail to provide; guidelines for a more empowering future! Beyond the critical historical analysis of how Imperial Christianity paved the way for its own subversion, Francis Rothery outlines an alternative way forward for faith today. This is a future of ground-based communities characterised by the practices of conversation, reconciliation and empowerment. Overall, an inspiring read!'

Diarmuid O' Murchu, Sacred Heart Missionary Order, author of ''Quantum Theology'




Missional:Impossible!: the Death of Institutional Christianity and the Rebirth of G-d 

Domination Christianity:

a Management Misshaped Church

The Missional Illusion:    a New Christian West?!



I am available to workshop, facilitate or lecture with question and response in exploring together the following areas;

+Forming Small Reconciliation Communities; how can we learn to express fraternity with one another and solidarity with the Earth through sharing our gifts?

+Our Un/Known G-d: where can we begin to discern Christ in the  neotribal spirituality of the postmodern democracies of the West?

+Conversational Learning and Communal Spiritual Development: how can we develop contemplative and conversational learning in communities of practice? 

+The Missional Illusion: how are we regurgitating Christendom by using the missional and pioneer language of a New Christian West?

+The Leadership Deception: how can we create  a spiral community where everyone follows and everyone leads in a mutually submissive circle dance of God's love?

+Domination Christianity: how do the practices of a management  misshaped church manufacture fake spirituality?

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